Fractional CTO Services

What I Do

For many CEOs, the ability to effectively leverage technology is a make-or-break challenge.

I share insight with non-technical leaders to help them make smarter business decisions, and I teach them to recognize whether or not their team is moving in the right direction. With every team I work with, I strive to implement learning systems and establish processes to build strong, scalable organizations.

From guiding teams of engineers to giving founders the tools they need to create a culture of accountable, my goal is to set up every company I work with for long-term success.

I help companies with....

Ensuring teams are shipping quality code on a regular cadence through one and two-week sprints.
Code Reviews
Establishing processes for reviewing code internally so your team can hold itself accountability.
Implementing strategies and creating assessment solutions to ensure the developers you hire can do the technical work that's required.
Enabling engineers to write better stories and take ownership of their work.
Internal Systems
Setting up tools and teaching technical teams how to run effectively.